Community Planning
Comprehensive Planning
Comprehensive planning – assessing and addressing solutions to tackle interdisciplinary needs – is at the core of our community planning practice. When we look at communities, we consider the people who live, work, and play there, taking stock of their immediate needs, future hopes, and how the built and natural environment can further a sustainable and equitable place for all. Our services range from community-wide plans and small area studies to implementation support.
Multi-Modal Transportation Planning
Considering all the facets of a well-functioning transportation network is essential to furthering a community’s mobility, economic development, and quality of life needs and goals. While our team’s experience ranges from comprehensive transportation plans to improvements to specific corridors, we have recently focused on creating more equitable transit systems through our work on transit plans, safety action plans, and complete streets initiatives.​
Speciality Services
We pride ourselves in prioritizing, from start to finish, the incorporation of equity, resiliency, and public input into our planning work. We seek opportunities to work with communities and partners who share these priorities.